Repeal AB5 Now
You, your family, your neighbors, and your community will feel the impact if we don’t move to protect opportunities for Independent Contractors.
What type of Independent Contractors are negatively impacted by AB5 in California?
What’s the problem with the “B” section of California AB5’s “ABC Test”? In this video, Independent Contractors from multiple industries talk about the limitations to contract with businesses and even other contractors in the same line of work or industry, due to the language and requirements in part B of the new law. Part B of the “ABC Test” is a major block to otherwise legitimate contract relationships.
Join us to show the California Assembly and Senate that industry-targeted carve outs are NOT enough!
This video & website are brought to you by a bipartisan volunteer group of Independent Contractors and Business Owners impacted by AB5. We are NOT associated with Uber, Lyft, or any other large company. We are NOT receiving nor accepting ANY funding.
Recent Stories shared by Real People
AB5 impacts Musician
I perform for various events and venues with a band. We’re all independent contractors who are seniors and tax paying citizens who survive off of our music income. We pay taxes. Don’t destroy families and the economy and make the homeless situation worse.
AB5 impacts Court Reporting and a variety of legal support
I work at home due to a medical issue. My work is all computer based paralegal and court work. I’m a sole proprietorship. I do everything myself. So far I’ve been unaffected but I live with a huge concern that that will change.
AB5 impacts Interpreters/Translators
Because of the nature of our work. It’s sporadic there’s not need to have someone as an employee. I may use someone one day and not use them the remainder of the year. We contact interpreters based on their availability, so I couldn’t ever hire the same interpreter as they may be tied up elsewhere.
What can I do?
Contact Your Representative
California state representatives have the opportunity to repeal this law. Add your voice to the call to repeal.
Find a Local Action Group
Many people across California and the United States are not yet aware of this law. Join a local group to take action.
Amplify the Message on Social
Legislators and citizens need to know how this law is wreaking havoc among independent contractors across industries. Boost the message.