Because of the nature of our work. It’s sporadic there’s not need to have someone as an employee. I may use someone one day and not use them the remainder of the year. We contact interpreters based on their availability, so I couldn’t ever hire the same interpreter as they may be tied up elsewhere.
Written by Michael B.
Business Owner, Independent Contractor, or Both?
Tell us about the type of work you do as an Independent Contractor. What is a regular day or week like doing the work you do?
I run an event production company. I have eight employees and have used many sub-contractors throughout the year.
Has working as an Independent Contractor been a choice or a necessity for you? If so, why?
It's a choice. I love being self-employed.
What do you enjoy most about being an Independent Contractor?
The flexibility to grow and work many different types of jobs.
What has been the immediate impact of AB5 on your ability to do work and/or make an income?
The cost of hiring all the Independent Contractors I need. Event for a day or two. Also, item B of the ABC test makes it impossible to bring in friendly competitors to help take on more projects when we get busy. We won't be able to grow. Plus the law is very confusing. I'm unclear what compliance really is.
What are your long term concerns about AB5 or other similar legislation imposing more strict regulations on Independent Contract work?
I'm not sure I can remain in business in such a strict business environment.
If you could tell legislators directly one thing about Independent Contract work, what would it be?
Independent Contractors love being just that. Independent! They love the flexibility and entrepreneurial spirit and they work hard and innovate, creating more opportunities and boosting the economy. Laws were already in place for employee protection. You have taken away our choice!
More Personal Stories
AB5 impacts Event Production, Entertainment, Music Industry
If I could tell my legislators anything, it would be this: if you will not repeal this bill, you NEED to make working professionals and engineers in the entertainment industry EXEMPT. We already struggle to find work and stay busy. We do that on our own. AB5 does not help us in any way. Minimum wage protection does not benefit professionals who make $400-1000/day and those rates have been cut in half since AB5. We have been feeling the impact of AB5 in no positive way.
AB5 impacts Performing Arts
Essentially, this bill moves me into a position oriented back to working more individually versus collaboratively, which really is not good for small business. I have been able to maneuver a tight ship to stay in the arts sector and these major expenses may tip the scale. I am currently unsure of the future of the sustainability of the business.