I work at home due to a medical issue. My work is all computer based paralegal and court work. I’m a sole proprietorship. I do everything myself. So far I’ve been unaffected but I live with a huge concern that that will change.
Written by John C
Business Owner, Independent Contractor, or Both?
Tell us about the type of work you do as an Independent Contractor and/or as a Business Owner. What is a regular day or week like doing the work you do?
I perform for various events and venues with a band. We're all independent contractors who are seniors and tax paying citizens who survive off of our music income.
Has working as an Independent Contractor been a choice or a necessity for you? If so why?
Choice and necessity. Too old for employers, too young to stop contributing to society.
What do you enjoy most about being an Independent Contractor or Business Owner?
Bringing joy to people's lives and being self providing in my senior years to my family and government..
What has been the immediate impact of AB5 on your ability to do work and/or make an income?
Venues are scared of AB5.
What are your long term concerns about AB5 or other similar legislation imposing more strict regulations on Independent Contract work?
It will go nationwide and impact the economy and the lives of taxpaying citizens.
If you could tell legislators directly one thing about Independent Contract work, what would it be?
We pay taxes. Don't destroy families and the economy and make the homeless situation worse.
More Personal Stories
AB5 impacts Interpreters/Translators
Because of the nature of our work. It’s sporadic there’s not need to have someone as an employee. I may use someone one day and not use them the remainder of the year. We contact interpreters based on their availability, so I couldn’t ever hire the same interpreter as they may be tied up elsewhere.
AB5 impacts Event Entertainment, A/V, Musician, and Booking Agents
As a business owner and freelancer you have to work constantly on your business and artistry. My business succeeds or fails because of me not anyone else. I’m constantly having to upgrade my equipment to be on pair with my competitors. As an artist, I continue to practice My skills to stay competitive. This is a life long journey.