Share Your Story
Help us show politicians in California and across the country that AB5 and legislation like it causes serious harm.
Your story will be posted to our page The Impact to be shared here and across social media. Whatever information you share will be public, which is why we are only asking for your first name and last initial, as well as simply the industry you serve vs. any specific detail about your business or businesses that have contracted with you. The more specific information you can share, the better to help clearly illustrate how ICs and businesses that contract with ICs are being hit by the lack of foresight in this law.
Any additional information you provide, such as your email address will not be shared with any 3rd parties. You will not be automatically added to any mailing list, without your consent. If you wish for your story to be removed, email admin [@] with the link to the post from the email provided upon submission and we will remove it as well as delete the corresponding form data.
If you have questions about what we will share, email admin [@]